Power Strips

How to Use Power Strips Effectively In a Home Office Setup

Working from home became the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic. And although the pandemic is way behind us, work-from-home as a trend has continued to surge unabated.

Greater flexibility, enhanced productivity, and improved work-life balance are the primary benefits of working from home. Besides, this workplace model allows companies to slash overheads associated with rent and utilities.

But to optimize your efficiency while working from home, you require a well-resourced office. One way to equip your home office is to invest in proper electrical attachments, such as power strips.

A power strip lets you connect multiple electrical equipment from a single socket. Modern strips also come with advanced safety specifications designed to protect your valuable electronics from damages caused by unforeseen current and voltage spikes.

However, like most electrical accessories, a power strip’s reliability depends on its quality and proper application. We’ve prepared a definitive guide on how to use a power strip effectively for your home office.

Begin With a Quality Power Strip

Using a power strip correctly means nothing if it’s a low-quality product. Therefore, purchasing a top-rated power strip from a credible electrical supplier is the most crucial step.

Since power strips aren’t made equal, it’s essential to understand what constitutes a high-quality strip.

Here are a few features to consider when shopping for power strips for your home office;

1. Number of Ports

Some power strips only have a single port, whereas others can have as many as 12 sockets.

Counting the electronics in your home office and buying a power strip with 2 – 3 extra sockets is a good practice.

2. Gauge Ratings

A power strip’s gauge measures the density of its metal conductors, which determines the wire’s current handling properties.

Power strips with lower gauge ratings (14, 12, 10, etc.) have thicker conductor diameters. Such strips can manage electrical current better than those with higher gauge ratings (16, 18, 20, etc.).

A 14-gauge power strip is ideal for most home offices. Such cables can simultaneously run appliances that draw up to 15 amps, such as laptops, desktops, printers, chargers, and light fixtures.

3. Amperage, Voltage, and Wattage Ratings

Most home offices require 15-amp or 120-volt power strips. If ratings are missing from the strip’s jacket or packaging, you may want to check for wattage measurements instead.

Wattage is the product of amperage and voltage. Therefore, the ideal power strip for use in a home office should be rated 1,800 watts (15 X 120).

4. Cord Length

Power strips typically measure 5 – 15 feet. That’s long enough to connect equipment on the farthest end of your home office’s wall socket.

The thumb rule is to choose a power strip long enough to bridge the gap but short enough to avoid entanglements.

5. Convenience

Convenience is another essential factor when choosing power strips.

First, insist on power strips designed with USB ports.

A power strip should also be straightforward to mount to a wall. Besides, it should come with energy-saving features like switches.

Tips for Using a Power Strip in a Home Office

1. Connect Lighter-Duty Equipment

A power strip’s current handling abilities depend on its gauge, voltage, and wattage ratings. However, it’s always safer to connect lighter-duty appliances to a home office power strip, regardless of the strip’s efficiency.

Avoid power-intensive equipment like refrigerators and microwaves, as such appliances can easily overload the circuit and trigger electrical fires. They should strictly be plugged into wall sockets or connected via properly-rated power cords.

2. Stay Away From Heat Sources

Power strips can easily catch fires if exposed to extreme heat. While electrical fires may start small, they quickly escalate into major safety hazards.

So, avoid using power strips near common heating appliances like space heaters. Do not place the strips in direct sunlight or mount them underneath fabric covers.https://snokido.in/wp-admin/post.php?post=4400&action=edit

3. Do Not Daisy Chain

Daisy-chaining is an electrical wiring set-up where devices are connected in a sequence or series.

Usually, the objective is to extend the reach of electrical current or maximize the number of equipment that can be connected simultaneously.

But despite the great intentions, daisy-chaining can cause current overloads and trigger electrical fires. Your best bet is to stick to one power strip for every wall socket.

4. Keep Your Power Strips Visible

Passing power strips behind furniture sets or hiding them underneath carpets and mats may be convenient. However, this can cause the cables to overheat and trigger explosions.

Besides, hiding power cords exposes them to unintentional damage. You could accidentally trample on the strip or rip the cord apart while rearranging your home office furniture.

Therefore, ensure your power strips are visible at all times.   

5. Organize the Strips Properly

As most power strips measure 5 – 15 feet in length, it’s challenging to get them all tangled up. But if you’re using a longer or several power strips, organizing them properly is best.

Start by labeling power strips with similar power ratings to avoid appliance mis-plugs. Then, use adhesive tapes or 1-inch nails to mount the strip in the desired place.

6. Install A GFCI

A ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is a fast-acting circuit breaker that immediately cuts the power supply upon detecting an unintended current flow.

GFCIs are a significant step up from traditional circuit breakers. They’re best installed around moist areas.


A power strip is undoubtedly one of the most resourceful equipment in a home office. This electrical attachment maximizes productivity by letting you plug in several electrical devices simultaneously.

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Power strips also provide hidden benefits, including enhancing protection against overcurrent and guarding against accidental data loss. You only need to invest in a high-end strip and follow the above pointers while using the product.

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